So I went to the dentist today to get my cavity filled. It was a small cavity when I went in 2003, and I wanted to get it taken care of before it got bigger.

The dentist looks at my cavity and then says she needs to “open it up,” which means DRILLING IT OPEN. I was numb when she did it, but she ended up drilling all the way to the nerve and the feeling was sickeningly ticklish. It made me want to throw up.

When she opens it, she notices that the cavity is much deeper than it looks. Basically, my tooth did a comb-over on me. The top showed a small hole, but when you break into my tooth, it’s actually a HUGE hole. And the tooth next to it had the same problem. So she drills that tooth open too.

She fills up both of my gaps, then tells me: “You might need a ROOT CANAL.”


Damn my teeth!

I loathe, more than anything, shitty Xanga entries. By shitty I mean entries that are boring, badly written, and with no punctuation or proper grammar.

Sheer Banality:

He’s from Hawaii, and he has a criminal record. He also doesn’t know how to use commas or periods. No sympathy here…it’s bad writing no matter what your background is.

I also despise the “This is me…if you don’t like it, then SCREW YOU” catch phrases people have for their little Xanga descriptions. Yes, nothing more foreboding than someone who gets angry at you for not enjoying the mundane rituals of their daily life. “BACK OFF IF YOU DON’T LIKE ME FOR WHO I AM!” they say, while the rest of us can only sit and think, “No kidding. We’re not going to read this shit because you’re boring.”

What’s up with the song lyrics? Do they have some sort of significance to you? Let’s all be reminded that XANGA IS NOT A RADIO! Perhaps a song has some sort of meaning to the person at the time, a sort of heartfelt message that can only be articulated through the lyrics of a song. You know what that says?


And one more gripe: the AIM conversations are a huge turn-off. No one gives a crap about what you said to your friend about that person with the smelly feet. (1) we don’t know the context of your conversation, and (2) it’s not funny. Posting AIM conversations is no way to garner eprops. What am I going to commend you for? Your “witty” AIM screenname, or your friend’s wonderful use of happy faces? Please…if you want to remember your AIM conversations, just use a log manager.


Xanga Stalking…

How does that work anyway? Aren’t you just gathering bits and pieces of information on a person’s life through their entries? Where does the stalking part come in on a venue that’s made for people to publicize the details of their daily routine?

Oh! It’s because they made the mistake of talking about where they live, where they go to school, where they’ll be in the future, etc.

Rule #1 (and I live by this one): never disclose the details of your whereabouts. Ever. If you notice on this site, you won’t find something like: Today I’m going to the Staples Center! It will most likely be more similar to: Today I went to the Staples Center. Past tense = you’re not there anymore, but you were.

The stupid part of Xanga Stalking is that it’s the writer who puts himself/herself in the position of being stalked. The excitement of writing mundane details makes a writer think that it’s okay to talk about everything. But really, isn’t not: (1) it’s boring, and (2) there are crazies out there who might assume that because they know a lot about you, it means they personally know you.

Discretion is a valuable tool for online journals.

I don’t know why I’m writing about this. I just found it to be oddly intruiguing.