So I thought that, with all the upgrades non-Premium Xanga users have been getting, I could get away with not paying for Premium membership ever again. Except for additional picture space, which I don’t need, non-Premium and Premium are almost the same thing.


The perk that isn’t mentioned is that Premium members get to customize their Xanga skin without being reduced to using a plain picture in the back. And for some reason, having a customized skin tailored to my own needs is really important to me. $25 a year important.

And I didn’t realize this until my Premium membership expired and my Xanga skin was deleted. I tried my best to recreate it again, but as you can see–it really looks like crap.

So now that I know that as long as I am obsessed with the aesthetic beauty of my page, I will keep paying for Premium.

And that means I am going to write more. About anything. Even shit that I would never write about. Like this topic.

Million dollar question of the day: What the f*ck is this:

China’s obsession with plastic surgery is finding fresh demand from couples who are going under the knife to get their noses and even their eyes done as a sign of their love for one another, the official newspaper China Daily reported.

“I suggested it as a way of celebrating our relationship and bringing us closer together with a special kind of bond,” Liu Yan, 24, was quoted as saying of the matching nose jobs for her and her 28-year-old boyfriend.

This is some random Valentine’s Day article I pulled up from MSN just now. Don’t really care so much about the plastic surgery because that’s your own issue–what I do have a problem with is that there is a growing demand for Asian couples to get plastic surgery to look more like each other.

I have, really, very little to say about this…except…

As someone who has been asked before if the guy, whose hand I was holding, was my brother, and as someone who has said and been told that all Asians look alike–WHAT THE F*CK. Bad enough no one can tell the difference between us already, but now people are actually paying money to look like their boyfriends/girlfriends? They’re purposely inducing the rest of us into thinking they’re in some incestuous relationship…

That just makes us Chinese people look way worse. That, and the rip-off Harry Potter movie that was produced and released in China before the actual Harry Potter movie was even filmed.

In a way, all of us have an El Guapo to face some day.
For some, shyness might be their El Guapo.
For others a lack of education might be their El Guapo.
For us, El Guapo is a big dangerous guy who wants to kill us.
But as sure as my name is Lucky Day,
the people of Santa Poco can conquer their own personal El Guapo
who also happens to be the actual El Guapo!

Best monologue ever.