I thought the MTV music awards was a piece of crap this year. Then again, I also thought last year’s show was terrible too. Steadily, since 1998 or so, the credibility of the MTV Music Video Awards as a true hommage to music at its purist has deteriorated due to one fact: talent is out, public trends are in.

And isn’t obvious nowadays? Winners are generally the synthesized voices who can only bank on sex appeal and tabloid reports (Britney Spears, this means you)—and their lack of singing ability becomes obvious as these performers are forced to sing live without the help of a sound mixer. Thus, Jessica Simpson and others sounded flat and untrained when it was their turn to take the stage. It was a completely ear-shattering experience.

On the other hand, true talent came out through the same test: singers who can actually sing sound just as good live as they do on a record. Alicia Keys, for example, was great. I didn’t care much for the song, but I find her to be one of the few actual singers in the industry nowadays. Everyone else is just feeding off the wave of pop culture’s obsession with young, perky songstresses when they build their careers.

Besides that—did anyone else notice the politics going on? It was “Vote or Die” and “Let’s get Bush out of office.” Even the daughters of George W. Bush and John Kerry were invited to spread the message about voting and donating to the Red Cross.

What crap. As if half of the performers last night even know what voting is. P. Diddy, the suddenly vocal supporter of voting, has admitted to never going to the polls once before. And Ma$e, who was on stage with him last night, kept shamelessly plugging his come-back album everytime Puffy said something about voting.

Puffy: Vote or Die!!

Ma$e: Welcome Baaackkkk!!!

Puffy: It’s time to get Bush out of office!

Ma$e: Welcome Baaaackkkk!!!

What the fuck was what???

MTV sucks ass now. So does its award show. Everything about the music industry pisses me off.

I suppose this is the part where I say: “Fuck you if you don’t agree” but that would be predictable. I prefer voodoo dolls:

I was in the sauna at a gym today, and there was a naked woman in there with me. She was wearing a towel around her waist, her breasts exposed, with some of her “area” sticking out for the world to see. This woman could care less that I was in there, and made no attempt to cover up her body. She just lay on the bench in silent thought, occasionally spraying herself with water every few minutes.

Her nudity made me uncomfortable as she was quite old, but it also made me think: the only thing keeping this woman from being seen by a random man is the fact that the bathroom has a “Women” sign on the wall.

Afterall, there are no doors leading the women’s bathroom. It’s just a small, winding “hall” that curves so that a woman can be standing naked by the sinks and no one will see her unless she’s at the doorway. No blockades preventing men from entering…

Yet, there is complete freedom in the women’s restroom and lots of ladies feel safe enough to parade around naked after their workout. This small sign denoting which gender is allowed into the facility is the only thing protecting them from being violated—and they trust it enough to nonchalantly put themselves at risk.

What is amazing to me is that the only time I was worried about a man coming into the women’s restroom was when a rapist was actually prowling the bathrooms in search for victims. Other than that, I never think about the chances of a wayward person hiding in the stalls, waiting to violate me. Yet I am on the lookout for any suspicious people when I walk in the street.

Isn’t it strange how a gender-specific bathroom placard could give people so much comfort and security? We feel safer in a bathroom with only one entrace than we do in an open street…it makes me wonder if people are more abiding of the bathroom signs than they are of laws against rape.

The Teen Choice Awards is such a load of crap…

First of all, it was hosted by two people whose past troubles are highly inappropriate for a teenage audience: I’m talking about Paris Hilton’s famous videotaped tyrst, and Nicole Richie’s much publicized heroine addiction. Not to mention the fact that they are hardly primary examples of star power…they are more like travesties to the profession, and insults to human life in general.

Secondly, those stupid ass award categories: Best Hook Up, Movie Sleazebag, Movie You Wouldn’t Want Your Parents To Watch—total bullshit that panders to an audience of dumbasses and wastes of skin. That’s right—I think the pop culture-obsessed youth of today are losers and should have been drowned at birth.

Then there was the fact that Gothika and American Wedding both won awards. Yeah right…what’s that decision based on? The commercials? Because we all know that there is no way in hell a fucking 13 year old made it into the theater.

Other stupid shit awards went to the O.C., Punk’D, One Tree Hill, and a bunch of other shows that should be cancelled had it not been for an audience made up of–you guessed it–losers. Losers with no taste, at that.

The Teen Choice Awards is just a bunch of crap that panders to pop culture and whatever else idiots enjoy. Here’s an award show I’d like to see: What award show sucks the most ass. My vote is for the Teen Choice Awards (obviously), and the beyond-retarded awards show that honors video games. Because that one is just fucking sad.

Negative comments have made me bitchy…

For lack of better topics, let me explain why I went on this sudden, militant trip on blocking people. If you look on my entry on famous people who hate America, there are three comments. Really though, there are two because I erased one from this fat bitch who wrote something to the effect of:

“Blah blah I am Hitler and what I say is right…where the hell do you get off?”

Apparently she thought I stepped over a certain line when I made the presumption that only people who achieve fame in America can be famous around the world. I stand by my original statement, but I will clarify what I meant to this person because she is obviously dyslexic: I didn’t say only Americans can be famous around the world. I said that even if you are famous in your native country, you aren’t known worldwide unless you are known in the U.S.

And what is the logic to that? Because American companies have the means and finances to market their artists around the world. That is why people in China know who Britney Spears is. That is why Spiderman is one of the top grossing movies of all time. That is why you have a bunch of familiar faces coming out of America because they made movies here.

Zhang Zhi Yi, Penelope Cruz, Antonio Banderas, Jim Carrey, Jet Li, Pamela Anderson, that guy from Will & Grace—they aren’t Americans, yet they became well-known because their work was marketed in the U.S. Some of them were famous in their own countries before this, but did we know them? Do we know any famous foreign stars when we’ve never seen any of their work? Do I expect a Spanish movie distributor to come up with the money to put a film into international movie theaters? No. I expect a foreign movie company to sell its rights to Miramax, Universal, or some other AMERICAN COMPANY. And if it’s a hit AROUND THE WORLD, the actor/actress will achieve WORLDWIDE FAME because of AMERICAN DISTRIBUTION.

So FUCK YOU BITCH. That’s where the hell I get it from…because I fucking thought about it…maybe you should have stopped stuffing your ass with food and done the same thing before leaving a stupid ass comment.


Let me reiterate this because, once again, I’ve been confronted with another person’s idea of what is “correct” for me to post on my Xanga and what isn’t.

I write about stuff I think is important. 80% of the time it will be about a complaint, and many of these complaints are superficial. For me to have the freedom to judge whatever the hell I want–that comes with my paying for Premium. So, if you have an issue with what I’ve written—well, I don’t really give a shit.

Therefore, if I see any negative comments on my Xanga from people who question the validity of my statements, I will block you. My thinking is: if you really don’t agree, then there is no point in you subscribing to me in the first place. And I’ll make it all the easier for you to unsubscribe by blocking you forever.

Seriously, I don’t need you people to tell me what’s correct thinking and what’s not. Because if I really wondered what it was you wanted to read, then I would have written about stupid gossip shit, or maybe a pathetic list of what I did today.