Louis W. Conradt, Jr.

Who is this guy?

I don’t know–but he’s dead.

Larry W. Conradt, Jr. was actually an assistant district attorney in a Texas county, and was caught trying to seduce a 13-year-old boy in a chat room. What was even better was that his conversation was documented by Dateline NBC’s “To Catch a Predator” series. And although he never did show up for his rendezvous with what was actually an 18-year-old actor, in Texas you’ve already committed a crime if you’ve only had a dirty conversation with a child–or with someone you think is a child.

So the police go to Conradt’s home to arrest him, and he decides he’d rather shoot himself in the head than face the shame of being known as a sexual predator.

His suicide isn’t of interest to me–what is, however, is that his sister, Patricia, is now suing NBC for “causing” the death of her brother.

Here is some of the garbage she said in a statement:

My family and I have experienced a great deal of hurt and sadness over this situation. And I intend to fight as long and as hard as I can to prevent other people from becoming victims of such reckless action as those taken by your employees which were set in motion by a self appointed group acting as a judge, jury, and executioner that was encouraged by an out-of-control reality show. I will never consider my brother’s death a suicide.

I noticed Patty didn’t even hint at the fact that her brother killed himself because he was avoiding being arrested for trying to get into the pants of a 13-year-old boy. And what types of people is she intending to protect from becoming “victims” of “To Catch a Predator”? Oh, I know—people like her brother–PEDOPHILES.

Tell me, Patty, what do you think could have happened to prevent your brother from putting a gun to his head and shooting himself?

Sure, NBC could have chosen a different area than Murphy, Texas to conduct its sting operation–but that would mean your pervert brother would have been chatting with a real 13-year-old boy instead of a decoy. And, he would have been sending a real 13-year-old pictures of his junk and video clips of pornography, and talking about how he likes to fondle and cuddle and molest young boys.

Oh, and then your brother would have met up with this 13-year-old and had sex with him…and maybe, after that, he would go find other young children to ruin.

But, at least he’d still be alive right now, correct? Who cares about the children who “To Catch a Predator” is trying to protect, because people like you prefer to ignore the fact that their family member is a danger to society and should be dead?

You can go ahead and sue NBC all you want, Patricia, but your grief and anger is better directed at your brother, because he did this to himself. No one forced him to go online and try to seduce a child, no one forced him to send those pictures or videos, and no one forced him to give out his home phone number and continue having explicit conversations with someone he thought was a child for two freaking weeks. Your brother chose to be a pervert over you and your family–and he chose to die instead of live with the shame over you.

And I also have something to say to the a**holes in Murphy, Texas who protested about having a sting operation in their county. They had the gall to stand outside the house and warn the pedophiles that NBC was inside.

I totally understand that no one wants pedophiles in their neighborhood–and having a sting operation in your area essentially brings them closer than you would like. However, the point of sting operations is to CATCH people–hence the title, “TO CATCH A PREDATOR.” The show isn’t called “To Bring Pedophiles to Murphy, Texas, and Allow Them to Molest the County’s Children.” And if the protestors thought that their county didn’t have pedophiles, well two of the men were actually from that area—and they were caught before they could get near anyone’s kids.

And all that BS about warning the pedophiles that NBC was in the house was really infuriating because their logic is completely warped. By waving the pedophiles away from the house—away from the police officers–they were letting them go to some other county where the house could actually be inhabited by a real child. How does that make any sense? “Oh, we don’t want perverts getting arrested in our area–we would rather have them in some other area where they may or may not get arrested.” Well you know what? If NBC does an edition of “To Catch a Predator” in my area, I will be sure to warn the pedophiles before they enter the house, and tell them to go to Murphy, Texas where the police won’t be waiting and they can go rape all the kids. Yeah, I know, f*cked up isn’t it? But hey, I’m just looking out for myself.

That would, of course, never happen. If NBC set up their sting operation in the apartment next to mine I would be totally for it. I would even volunteer to be a decoy. I want to be a part of something that will benefit the community–even if it’s just a small portion of it–and getting a pedophile arrested is one of the best things a person can do in today’s society.

And plus, I bet watching the stings in person is a million times more entertaining than watching it on television.