If Facebook Had a F*ck Off Button

Wednesday April 17, 2013

Hey Facebook! I know you’re busy trying to break into the cell phone market, but could you please divert some time into making this happen first?

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GAWD DAMN! I need this button badly. Just thinking about it is enough to make me pee and poop myself silly with glee. My productivity would go down, but my Facebook usage would go way up because I’d be on it 24/7 and partying like an awesomely awesome passive-aggressive Facebook-hater-drunk-on-Haterade of awesomeoness!

And I already know which posts I would use it on most.

Sick-Baby Posts

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I can’t draw, so you’re going to have to imagine the black tornado of death is a picture of a sick baby.

I hate these…Well no, sorry, I don’t hate them. What I feel is actually worse than hate, but there isn’t a word to describe it so I’ll just go with hate^hate. That’s right: hate to the power of hate. And what’s not to hate^hate, people? Some asshat got a picture of a sick and/or dying baby that has a breathing tube in its mouth (cleft lip), an IV in its right arm (left one was amputated), and is surrounded by ominous-looking monitors and medical equipment.

Freakin’ Stevie Wonder could look at that picture and would know immediately that the poor kid needs a doctor or two. I mean, it’s not like there’s anything in there that screams, “The spring of eternal life is here!” You can’t help but feel sympathy for the little guy, and you’re going to at least hope he gets the care he needs.

But then you read the next sentence and your hopes are trampled by a herd of rabid wildebeests…

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And then some sort of bullsh*t quote is thrown in at the end because the poster really wants to sound deep and thoughtful, and not like the attention-hungry douchebag he really is.

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Oooh! Three exclamation marks? Now I’m even more inspired…

…To tell you to F*CK OFF!!!

First of all, if you’re going to rely on these types of posts to get “Likes” then you might as well just say, “Please ‘Like’ my post because I need copious amounts of attention to validate my existence.” That’s the message the Sick-Baby Post gives off anyway, but at least you’re upfront about your douchebaggery. I’d actually be more likely to “Like” the upfront post because I find honesty refreshing.

Secondly, how retarded are you for thinking the rest of us are so retarded that we can’t see through the sheet o’ sh*t you’re trying to pull?

No, really, how the hell would this scenario make any sense?

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And this scenario doesn’t make sense either!

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Who the f*ck is this doctor? Dr. Pepper? Doc Martens? Oops…almost got caught being a motherf*cker who forgot about (Dr.) Dre!

No one is buying your sorry excuse for altruism, dumb ass, so either post something worthy of the “Likes” you so desperately need to survive or F*CK OFF!


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I’d probably be a lot more receptive to Tired-Ass Quote posts if the quotes weren’t so tired-ass, i.e., they weren’t the same ones that were already posted millions of times over. Seriously, if you built your world around Facebook, you’d think the Bible only consisted of the book of Genesis, ten Psalms, and pages with nothing but one-liners or “Moses” written all over the place. You’d also believe Gandhi was the only person who ever said anything inspirational, and that Romeo and Juliet was Shakespeare’s only play. Another way to put it: If you played a drinking game where you took a shot of Mike’s Hard Lemonade every time someone posted a tired-ass quote between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 a.m., you would die of alcohol poisoning. Alcohol poisoning from Mike’s Hard Lemonade, people, a beverage in which the only thing hard about it is the bottle it came in!

You know what quotes I’d like to see? Engrish ones—like, the really bad, doesn’t-make-any-sense English that’s haphazardly thrown onto Asian products. The best ones I’ve ever come across were on fireworks labels. Don’t tell you me you wouldn’t be all over my page-nuts if I put up something like this:

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Get some new quotes or F*CK OFF!

Honorable Mention: “So True!” Comments on Tired-Ass Quote Posts

It’s only two words, but it’s still tired as hell…and that’s “So true!”


04.17 (11)

No one gives a sh*t about what you’re eating, so spare us the photos of your breakfast sandwich, the apple you had for lunch (especially if you’ve got some pathetic caption like, “My sad-ass lunch! 😦” because if you can work a cell phone, you can grab something to go along with that apple, okay?), the candy you had as a snack, and whatever the hell else you ate throughout the day. No one gives a sh*t about what you’re eating, period.

The only time someone might remotely give a sh*t is if you’re eating an ice cream sundae made of Chupacabra blood and has Tyrion Lannisters dancing on top of it because (1) who wouldn’t love some Tyrion Lannister on ice cream? No one, obviously, and (2) that would be a f*cked up sundae that most people have probably never seen before (unless they live near a Mexican drug town).

But the ice cream sundae you posted a picture of isn’t made of Chupacabra blood, is it? And it doesn’t look like there are any Tyrion Lannisters dancing on top of it, does it? No, it’s just regular ice cream topped with some sort of regular syrup, regular nuts, regular whipped cream and a regular cherry—i.e., the same f*cking sundae everyone else has seen many times before.

I get it. Some people may be thinking “But this sundae was huge!” or “This is how they do sundaes in Vegas!”—but to them I say, “F*CK OFF!” No Chupacabra blood ice cream + no dancing Tyrion Lannisters = no giving a sh*t!

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*sigh* The dream that Facebook might let us have a F*CK OFF button is one that will never come true, so I guess I’m going to have to rely on the next best thing:


 Ugh…it’s just not the same…

Posted 4/17/2013 at 10:11 PM


Although, I do enjoy sometimes looking at food.  >__>

Posted 4/17/2013 at 10:30 PM by npr32486

I read something recently that the “share and like this blah blah blah” posts were mostly used by pages to collect people’s information. They create the page, everyone shares/likes a picture, then they sell all those names to a company. Don’t know the truth behind it, but it makes a lot more sense than any of the purported reasons behind those damn photos.

Posted 4/17/2013 at 11:13 PM by randaness

I can’t agree with the pictures of food, because I do that all the time. Hell, I have an entire album devoted to the food I’ve had.

Posted 4/18/2013 at 12:41 AM by whotakethmycoke

Everyone knows food pics are stupid…and yet, they keep doing it.

Posted 4/18/2013 at 12:11 AM by coolmonkey

I have some animal rescues err animal lovers and political pushers…I believe the latter are the worst. I mean can’t you see why Obama is the devil or how the Republicans are ruining everything?

Posted 4/17/2013 at 11:15 PM by HereLiesNelsontheGreat

hahaha I laughed so hard at that motherf*ckr who forgot about dre line… and the angry kitty >:)

maybe if this post gets 10000 recs facebook WILL make a f*ck off button?

Posted 4/17/2013 at 11:51 PM by raspberryjade

don’t you ever fuck off – this campaign could change the face of blogging

Posted 4/18/2013 at 6:48 AM by briandermot

Totally understand your viewpoint.

Some people may be foodie (there are some nicely decorated food out there), and when traveling, food is a big attraction.

You have outdone yourself with the humor and artistic ability.

I just browse through quickly of their post and not give a 2nd thought.

Posted 4/18/2013 at 10:54 AM by sf2slc

I took a picture of my lovely lasagna but haven’t posted on any social network sites….YET.  Hahaha.

Posted 4/18/2013 at 10:35 AM by MzKeekz

RAmen!! The vapidness is breathtaking.

Posted 4/18/2013 at 9:30 AM by Unstoppable_Inner_Strength


Posted 4/18/2013 at 7:2 AM by maniacsicko

LOL. Truth.

Posted 4/18/2013 at 4:31 AM by KevEats

ugh reading this made me so hungry for a tyrion lannister sundae!!

Posted 4/18/2013 at 4:37 AM by thespaceinmybed

@whotakethmycoke – likewise!

Posted 4/18/2013 at 2:46 AM by Love_in_102

It’s like you read my mind…

Posted 4/22/2013 at 9:1 AM by azngq

I agree with most of this. Some Facebook posts are definitely by-products of very attention-seeking behavior. I’m sort of torn since my wife does post food pics when we go out to restaurants.

Posted 4/18/2013 at 2:20 PM by yakko1

I will admit, I fell for the sick baby thing once or twice when I first started getting into Facebook.  Rookie mistake.

Posted 4/18/2013 at 12:9 PM by Celestial_Rose2002

I get irritated with my contact’s sola pictures on facebook. she’s so naive and narcisstic. She tells everybody about what’s going on with her life as if we are all interested… Fuck off button should be added. Facebook would be more appealing with that feature..lol.

Posted 4/18/2013 at 10:28 PM by xxMissforbiddenfruitxx

evil hexing walnut is made of win, and remember: cumulus clouds! always!

Posted 4/18/2013 at 10:34 PM by complicatedlight

So true.

lol jk.

Posted 4/19/2013 at 1:22 PM by mmmmmikevu
Haha. You definitely covered everything that’s wrong with Facebook.
Posted 4/18/2013 at 3:10 PM by ItsAll_A_LoveWar

Unfriending or unliking is a pretty good “fuck off” button.

Posted 4/18/2013 at 1:15 PM by Typically_Misunderstood

Tuesday April 9, 2013
I think I’ve been pretty vocal about not wanting to have kids anytime soon, but in case I haven’t already said enough, here’s the rundown on where I am in terms of motherhood and maternity: I want kids like I want AIDS. That sounds pretty mean, but it’s a response that tends to get my point across while also killing off the follow-up question “Why not?” before it can even be asked. And you know that one’s coming if you say anything along the lines of “I don’t want children right now” because for some reason, people with kids will interpret that as “I want children right now, I just don’t know it.”The worst offenders are parents who are within your age group because they seem to be most interested in making sure everyone who is about as old as they are has at least one child. Seriously, they are the worst. I don’t know what it is, but they’re always like, “Having kids is the best thing I’ve ever done,” and then they get really door-to-door religious-salespeople on your ass and try to convince their childfree friends to join their cult.

Count me out. I just took my do-I-want-kids litmus test and the results came back a resounding “HELL NO”… By “litmus test” I mean “I met my cousin’s one year-old daughter,” and by “HELL NO” I mean “I would rather drive a rusty nail through my left eyeball than spend another second with that.” And my left eye is the one that doesn’t have astigmatism! Yes, it’s the good eye!

But I’m not kidding when I say this: My cousin’s kid was a freakin’ monster. She was super demanding, always trying to grab at things and throwing awful screaming fits whenever she couldn’t get her way. It was a nightmare being around her. And this little girl is related to me by blood, people, by blood! So I went in already liking her just by virtue of our family ties–and yet she still managed to not only make me dislike her, but also dislike the prospect of having children of my own.

Seeing as how I can’t stand kids I’m actually related to, I take that as a sign that I’m not ready to be a parent. It’s going to come up eventually, though. That’s usually the way things work after marriage, right? Great…

I’ve got a few ways of handling it though…kind of like conversational ninjutsu that lets you say “yuck” without actually saying “yuck.”


I imagine it will start out like this…

(Yes, I drew him as a hamburger and not a half-assed stick figure. Why? Because I love hamburgers!)

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Strategy 1: Wait it out and then answer the question you would’ve preferred to have been asked instead.

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Strategy 2: Get all social issue-y and then bust out  the Discrimination Card.

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Strategy 3: When in doubt, there’s always Halle Berry.

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Posted 4/9/2013 at 9:42 PM


Option four: “You’re a hamburger, you can’t have children.” Then refuse to explain what’s going on and never show him this comic.

Posted 4/9/2013 at 9:53 PM by randaness

I feel your pain.  I’m lucky as guys who are married with kids (while happy that they do have kids) do not try to persuade me to settle down and have kids.  They usually say, “don’t worry, you’ve still got time” and “enjoy your freedom while it lasts”.  This attitude is totally opposite from their wives who tell me, “Mr. Jin, you’ll love having kids” and “you better have them soon or else you’re going to be an old man if you wait any longer”.  To which I respond, “I fucking hate kids” while looking right at their children.

I guess that’s the good part of being a guy.  I get a lot of pressure to settle down and have kids, but I can only imagine how bad it is for women.  Stay strong and fight the good fight.

BTW, I hate kids that aren’t mine either.  Not that I know how much I’d like my own kids, but I’m hoping it’s measurably better than how I feel about other kids that don’t belong to me.

I think for women, “misery loves company” and those people who are married with children will not be happy until everyone around them is as miserable as they are.

Posted 4/9/2013 at 9:55 PM by mr_jin_tonic
I like spaghetti and hamburgers too!

R u gonna be one of those crazy cat ladies later on in life?

Don’t u want little ones with triangle dresses and rectangle pants!

Posted 4/10/2013 at 8:18 AM by cbr600

love your commentary! I know what you mean about not having kids! why conform to society of what’s “expected” after marriage?!

Posted 4/10/2013 at 2:6 AM by aJoLLyDork

Just get a pet. It’s the same general idea.

Posted 4/9/2013 at 11:23 PM by whotakethmycoke


Posted 4/9/2013 at 11:45 PM by mycontinuity

I’m using reason #2 next time someone asks me about having kids.  (thanks!)

Posted 4/10/2013 at 2:31 PM by crazygrampastuey
Seriously! Old Asian people making it sound like birthing children gets me free burgers my entire life. FALSE.
Posted 4/10/2013 at 11:10 AM by eciila

lol the best! Glad you’re back..

What’s hamburger really  think though? Does he agree with you?

Posted 4/10/2013 at 8:23 AM by azngq

Perhaps you should switch from dating burgers to dating hot dogs 😉

Posted 4/10/2013 at 9:59 AM by Konrado

Discrimination Burger?  Nice

Posted 4/10/2013 at 11:52 AM by npr32486

I never liked kids; I always think that they are a hassle, dirty, loud, self-fish, inconsiderate, demanding, expensive item.  I never babysat, change diaper, or anything with kids.  That all change when I became a dad.  You have MORE tolerance for other people’s kids, but you will absolutely love your own, despite of any physical or mental fault.

The best way to train to be a parent is to have a pet (not a goldfish or beta), preferrably a dog.  If you can handle a dog, that’s a good starting point.

My only regret is not to have kids at a younger age.  They are a handful, and they do take up a lot of resources (time, energy, money) but the reward is incredible.  Your dog will never share orange slices with you, or say he loves you, or hug you, or draw something post-modern post-war-era picasso and give that to you.

Yes, you can have kids when you’re older (scenerio 3) but do you want people to ask if you’re the grandparent at their high school graduation?

What’s your favorite burger joint?  We don’t have Old Spaghetti Factory in Dallas (I love that place). We have a knockoff Spaghetti Warehouse.

Posted 4/10/2013 at 12:35 PM by sf2slc

Yet another reason why I love you. I really hate how just because I have a uterus, there’s this assumption that I absolutely feel the need to USE it, and that there’s clearly something WRONG with me if I don’t.

Posted 4/10/2013 at 10:7 AM by nimbusthedragon

what @nimbusthedragon said!!!

i’m so happy to know i’m not alone on this! i mean, i know MAYBE. SOMEDAY. IN THE FAR FAR FUTURE, i MIGHT consider. but, you know, in the meantime, i don’t need people bragging about how it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to them. i’m happy for them because it’s what they want, but i wouldn’t want it happening to me right now.

Posted 4/10/2013 at 12:17 PM by islandgypsygirl

i think you would enjoy this blog Shut The Fuck Up Parents 

it’s about bashing on new parents who overshare on Facebook… brag, try to make others who dont have kids feel guilty, relate everything back to being a mom… its pretty funny

Posted 4/11/2013 at 11:7 PM by christin0

Bahahahaha, love it!

Posted 4/10/2013 at 9:58 PM by Jst4e

I totally respect anyone who doesn’t want children.  It doesn’t mean you’re a horrible person; it just means you don’t feel the need to be a parent.  Nothing wrong with that.  I’m a mother, and I love my kids, but to be completely honest, I wasn’t ready to have them when I did, and I don’t think anyone ever truly is, even if they think they are.  And yes, being a parent will change your life, and yes, it can be rewarding.  But it’s also hard as hell.  I know this, so I don’t go around telling people, “Oh, having kids is the best thing that ever happened to me!  You should try it!”

Having kids means giving up at least a part of your sanity.  In my case, I didn’t have any left to spare.  lol

Posted 4/17/2013 at 8:22 PM by Celestial_Rose2002

he just want to have some little hamburgers running around…

Posted 4/10/2013 at 6:42 PM by maniacsicko

My sister has a child and it really sucks for her because she can’t go out as much as she used to.

After seeing that I’ve decided the same thing…FUCK NO KIDS. I rather use the money I have to enjoy my life then raising a kid.
Let the other 6 billion people in the world do the job of keeping the population up. I’m good.

Posted 4/10/2013 at 6:29 PM by stringstomyheart

I died laughing over the burger cartoons. priceless!

Posted 4/18/2013 at 2:51 AM by Love_in_102

This post is great! I love the cartoons, lol. =)
If someone is ready to have kids, they probably will. My parents had me as teenagers, and I basically grew up with them. I saw how hard it was, I have no desire to have kids until I’m ready (maybe never).

Posted 4/18/2013 at 10:1 PM by avaoni

There some who cant have kids because they have issues conceiving or like me i had to have a full adominal hysterctomy because I had a virus called sepsis to get both of my ovaries and uterus i was 31 when  it happend and felt like bad because all around me I hear why cant you have kids and it pissed me off when I tryed to explain to people why i cant have kids and thier like you can adopt i go no thats not me yes kids are a handfull if thier brats its because thier parents raised them like that I got a 11 year old neice She is ok but at times She is a brat and a only child.Hope you can realize kids will be kids you have that good ones and the bad ones:)

Posted 4/10/2013 at 8:40 PM by LoveableWoman

LOL, love the drawings! And my left eye is the one without astigmatism too, I found that funny xD

My fiance and I have people asking us pretty frequently when we’re going to have kids. WE’RE ONLY 20. Not even done with college or have our own house yet and people are asking us that! I guess because we both have cousins the same age and younger with kids, and they all have crappy relationships or are single moms and all. I guess our families assume since we actually have a great relationship that means we should be popping out babies! I think I’ll know when that time comes, and it sure as hell won’t be when I’m living with my parents and only working part-time HAHA what is wrong with people, seriously? It’s none of anyone’s business, especially when they put you on the spot asking you in front of other people 😛
Loved this post 🙂

Edit: Oh and I’m not trying to say there is anything wrong with teen moms! My mom was a teen mom, so I wouldn’t be here without her 🙂 Just mean to say it isn’t the families’ right to be asking when you’re having kids, especially when you’re young and haven’t even been considering it or are ready yet lol. Pushy, pushy families.

Posted 4/18/2013 at 8:46 AM by Pandamanda827