Thursday September 20, 2012

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Posted 9/20/2012 at 2:8 PM


Do you work with a Fig Newton?

Posted 9/20/2012 at 2:16 PM by randaness

I can think of one reason fore a continued relationship- the “I’m not sure” response. Someone could be asked and say they need time to think about it. So a person could feasibly make the attempt again if it’s thought the conditions are “ripe” for a positive answer.

I would caution against a false acceptance. Since I would rank a marriage proposal one of the top events in one’s life, getting a “yes”, only to be followed by a no could be quite painful- not to mention if the person who got turned down runs into the same crowd later and people bring it up….awkward city.

Public proposals come with risk. A person should know fairly well what the answer will be before hand. If not, and they are the adventurous type, no harm is done and it’s just another interesting chapter in their life. =)

Posted 9/20/2012 at 2:23 PM by SoullFire

So, who are you talking to?

Posted 9/20/2012 at 2:27 PM by npr32486

@SoullFire – I did miss it! I need to go catch up episodes. It’s like Game of Thrones, if you miss five minutes you don’t know half the characters.

Posted 9/20/2012 at 2:27 PM by randaness

@randaness – You must have missed her prior “boss” cartoon entry. The depiction is of her boss who has a penchant for eating ice cream sandwich bars.

Posted 9/20/2012 at 2:25 PM by SoullFire

My ex didn’t take no for an answer. I kept telling him not to propose to me because I wasn’t ready. Then we were having a very bad couple of weeks and stopped talking. The day before I broke up with him, he bought a custom engagement ring. I felt like a real piece of shit…but uh, that was a really dumb thing for him to do. That’s when the stalking began.

Posted 9/20/2012 at 2:23 PM by Manic_Butterflies

have you seen Working Girl? Alec Baldwin’s character proposes to Melanie Griffith’s character publicly at a large party. if i remember correctly, he does hope that the public nature of the asking will affect her answer.

Posted 9/20/2012 at 4:0 PM by SarahakaHungry

I dunno, I’d feel bad for the guy, but I wouldn’t buy him a drink.  He should definitely know the answer before proposing to her in public like that.

Posted 9/20/2012 at 7:45 PM by whotakethmycoke

Haha… love the well reasoned randomness as usual.

Posted 9/25/2012 at 7:2 PM by yakko1

Did you make this?  Its awesome!

Posted 9/21/2012 at 1:6 AM by KenxanderDaGr8

Do you really remember the dialogue thorughout the day?

People who did public proposal are “evil”, like at the sports arena, or something because the girl is pressured to say yes. I think it’s so wrong to do that…  you only propose if you know 100% that the girl will say yes.

Will women ever propose to guys?

Posted 9/20/2012 at 5:21 PM by sf2slc

Everytime I read your blogs, the girl speaks in a high-pitched tone really really fast in my head! Hehehe!

Posted 9/20/2012 at 9:21 PM by MJeeeeeeeezy

Lol!  I always enjoy looking at your drawings.  ;p

But I doagree, if a person turns a proposal down – it pretty much means the relationship is over.  haha

Posted 9/20/2012 at 3:27 PM by Thoughts_Of_P

Wednesday September 12, 2012
I’ve never used the Silent-but-Violent Shut-the-F*ck-Up Technique because it’s complete crap, but it has been used on me a few times and the results were always really bad.

What is the Silent-but-Violent Shut-the-F*ck-Up Technique? More importantly: why the hell couldn’t I come up with something that was easier to type? Stupid hyphens and stars…ruining my flow. I was initially going to call this the Ninja Silencer, but that would make it sound really cool when in reality it’s a steaming pile of sh*t.

Anyway, the Silent-but-Violent Shut-the-F*ck-Up Technique is what you use when you are having a group conversation and someone starts talking about something that he should have kept to himself for some reason. It is the universal method (i.e., everyone on Earth knows about it) for inconspicuously getting someone to stop talking by inflicting pain upon him. Yes, pain. It could be in the form of a pinch on the arm, stomp on a foot, kick to the back of the knee, etc. It doesn’t matter what you do as long as it’s done silently but violently…oh, and in case I haven’t mentioned this enough already, it has to cause pain or else it won’t work. You cannot simply tap the person lightly because he’d probably think you just accidentally bumped him or something. The element of pain, however, lets your target know that you are getting Silent-but-Violent for a reason…and ideally, the reason is to let that person know he needs to shut the f*ck up.

That’s a pretty sad description, so I’ll just use a real-life example of when the technique was used on me. It happened a few years ago while I was still in law school. Friend B and I, along with a group of friends, had been invited to Friend A’s birthday party…

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I didn’t think there was anything wrong my response, but Friend B was all horrified that I was telling Friend C about the birthday party because unbeknownst to me, Friend C wasn’t invited. Friend B therefore didn’t want me to mention anything because he (1) didn’t want Friend C to feel left out, and (2) didn’t want Friend A to look bad. But of course, he couldn’t just outright say, “Stop talking about A’s party! She wasn’t invited!” because Friend C was, like, sitting right there. This left Friend B in a difficult position of figuring out a way to give me a heads-up without Friend C noticing.

But wait! Friend B lives on Earth and therefore knew about the Silent-but-Violent Shut-the-F*ck-Up Technique! And this was the perfect time to use it!

In theory, silent-but-violent shut-the-f*ck-upping should always work. I mean, it’s got like a 100% success rate on scripted comedy shows because the person getting silently-but-violently shut-the-f*ck-upped knows immediately that the infliction of pain is a hint that he is saying more than he should. The victim usually lets out a yelp of surprise and then pretends like nothing happened, while the pincher/stomper/kicker smoothly transitions to a different topic. So if this whole scene between Friends B, C, and me played out on television…

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…I would know right away that Friend B’s awfully aggressive pinching is his way of telling me to refrain from saying anything more about Friend A’s birthday party. Friend B then quickly moves on to something else while I bite my tongue and nod enthusiastically at the nonsense words coming out of his mouth.

That sh*t would never, ever happen in real life, people. For one thing, unless you’ve got that disease that makes people unable to feel pain, the first thing you think of when someone suddenly starts going silent-but-violent on you is not going to be, “He’s trying to tell me something!” No, your immediate reaction will instead be, “What the f*ck is this douchebag doing?!” And you’re not going to be thinking it; you’re going to be saying it out loud because who the f*ck does random sh*t like that?!

So when Friend B began pinching me for telling Friend C about the birthday party, it totally pissed me off. This guy wasn’t my friend. He was a douchebag with serious boundary issues!

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If Step One is to confuse Silent-but-Violent violence for douchebaggery, get really mad and then call the person out, Step Two would be the realization phase. This when your friend makes a face–usually by giving you “Hint! Hint!” Eyes–to let you know that he wasn’t being a douche. He was just trying to get you to shut the f*ck up. Aww…forgiven and forgotten!

In my case, once I saw Friend B’s facial expression I realized he was trying to tell me, “Don’t tell Friend C about Friend A’s party!”

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The third and final step is to act like you weren’t just doing Silent-but-Violent Shut-the-F*ck-Uppery and failing miserably. Yes, if this was an instruction sheet, Step Three would literally be “Fail miserably.”

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I hate to brag, but I think Friend B and I completed Step Three perfectly…

Remember how I said that the Silent-but-Violent Shut-the-F*ck-Up Technique was a universal methodology? Well, it’s that universal awareness that makes this technique completely useless. Everyone knows how this works–and that includes all the Friend Cs in this world. The only person who doesn’t know this technique exists is the person getting the Silent-but-Violent treatment because he’s too busy thinking that he’d just been attacked by a douchebag.

The part where this goes awry is somewhere between Steps Two and Three. If I were to reenact those steps in slow motion, it would look like this:

Okay, so I’ve turned around to verbally assault Friend B for pinching me, but he’s giving me serious “Hint! Hint!” Eyes and I realize what he was really trying to tell me.

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You know who else got the message from Friend B’s “Hint! Hint!” Eyes? Friend C because unlike me, she wasn’t so mad that she momentarily forgot about something called the Silent-but-Violent Shut-the-F*ck-Up Technique. In fact, she was already kind of catching on when I yelled at Friend B for pinching me, but Friend B’s facial expression totally confirmed her suspicions that she wasn’t supposed to know about Friend A’s birthday party. And it really isn’t that hard for her to figure out the rest.

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And then comes Step Three: Fail miserably.

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As I have been saying, the Silent-but-Violent Shut-the-F*ck-Up Technique is just awful and should not be used by anyone. Just outright saying, “Shut the f*ck up” is way more inconspicuous than pinching the sh*t out of them.

As a replacement tool, I suggest using a safe word. Mine is “Voldemort.”

Posted 9/12/2012 at 3:8 PM


LMAO!  This scenario has happened to me on one too many occasions.  hehe

Posted 9/12/2012 at 3:45 PM by Thoughts_Of_P


Posted 9/12/2012 at 3:48 PM by yakko1

lol Voldemort. Love.

Posted 9/13/2012 at 10:8 PM by Alle_in_Ashe

Now I want to use “Voldemort” as an actual safe word, like, during sex or something.

Posted 9/12/2012 at 9:35 PM by randaness
haha yes Voldemort is safer, I’m going to start using that too
Posted 9/13/2012 at 1:48 PM by cdedodgethis

Net win/lose stats work out in the end:

Friend B: Win/Lose – He doesn’t contain the info about Friend A , but he did get to pinch you.

Friend C: Lose/Win – Find’s out she’s not invited, but received good entertainment from you and Friend B’s antics.

Of course the universe needs to balance:

You: lose/lose – get pinched and fail to contain info while. =) You also become guilty of being an accessory to the “coverup” by playing along. This could result in Friend C throwing a party and excluding Friends A,B, and you even though you had nothing to do with the invites. The universe can be cruel.

Posted 9/12/2012 at 6:54 PM by SoullFire

This was pretty damn hilarious

Posted 9/14/2012 at 6:1 PM by QuantumStorm

The solution to this is so simple, it saddens me that you don’t see it.

The silent-but-violent shut the f*ck up method doesn’t need to be done away with, and it’s not useless. It simply needs to be modified a little.

Remember when you said that friend C didn’t miss the hint hint eyes because she wasn’t currently pissed of at being silently violated?

That’s power that needs to be used. Instead of pinching the verbal offender, he ought to pinch the person who shouldn’t be hearing the information. That gets them pissed off, so they can’t focus on what’s happened, and it leaves the offender (you, telling the secret) clear headed enough to not have to awkwardly recover.

Problem. Solved.

~The Doug

Posted 9/14/2012 at 7:26 PM by IntoTheWind1

         I never knew what that was called before, on top of the wonderful explanation, I now learned a new word. tks

Posted 9/14/2012 at 6:49 PM by PattyM57