Thursday June 30, 2011

It takes a lot to make me angry.

I know–it’s kind of hard to believe since 90% of my posts are about things that piss me off. But the fact is I can put up with a lot of obnoxious and frustrating crap without becoming much more than medium-rare annoyed…Like when I drove 40 miles in bumper-to-bumper traffic in the middle of a hot-ass 100-degree day, basically being cooked alive because my car had a busted air conditioner. Oh, and the time I was taking the multiple choice portion of the bar exam back in February. I was already fighting off a period-induced diarrhea attack when the test proctor confiscated my watch because she thought it might have been shady. I say “might have been shady” because she wasn’t sure exactly which types of watches were banned from the testing area, so she took mine to get verification from the head proctor. I didn’t really care though because she was supposed to give the test-takers a 5-minute warning anyway, so even if I didn’t get through all 200 questions, I was still going to have enough time to at least fill in all the answer bubbles. But guess what? Instead of a 5-minute warning, she gave us a 5-second warning–and I ended up leaving 20 bubbles blank. But at least I got my watch back…a day later. *mutter* *mutter*

So yeah, I think I’ve got a decent temper, and thanks to that most things don’t set me off. Most things. There is one situation that, when it happens, turns me into a crazy backyard wrestler with ‘roid rage and rabies. I’m not joking here. When someone does this, the threshold is automatically crossed. I’ll go from ambivalence to anger management; balanced to behemoth of b*tch slaps; from…from…damn! I can’t think of one that starts with “c.”

Anyway, this is the sh*t I’m talking about. This!

 06.29 (1)

06.29 (2)

06.29 (3)

Yes! That’s the thing I was talking about: someone stepping on the heel of my slipper! I mean, why aren’t you watching where you’re going? More importantly: why the hell are you walking so freaking close in the first place?!

06.29 (4)

Argh! You’ve just made me sort of lose my balance! No apology can save you now!

06.29 (5)

06.29 (6)

Okay, fine, that’s not really how I react. I’d like to, but I don’t want to go to jail and shame my family. I just stick with this instead:

06.29 (7)

06.29 (8)

Fake smile plastered on my face!

…Great, drawing those pictures pissed me off. Time to get a Cinnabon.

Got anything that automatically pisses you off to the point of no return?

Posted 6/30/2011 at 3:28 PM


There are a decent number of things that piss me off. Sheer lack of respect is a big one, and obviously this manifests itself in an almost countless number of ways.

Posted 6/30/2011 at 3:37 PM by Axis_of_Doom

My boss at work. I only work two days a week, and every time I come in, I get asked to do things “the old way” that I “always used to do it so well.” And then I get promptly bitched at for up to an hour for not doing it right because there’s apparently a “new” way to do it that I was never informed of because I just started working again. So I learn the new way.

The next day, I come back to work and get asked to do things. I do them the new way… and get bitched at for doing it terribly because it’s nothing like the old way and the old way was better. Oh, and the next week, the process repeats itself. I just can’t win.

And then I get lectured about having morals and values by one of the shadiest bosses I know. This goes on for the rest of my shift, which is hours and hours long. All I’m allowed to do is smile and nod and admit defeat because it’s an Asian business and I have to show respect in the face of retardation of this magnitude.

I don’t know if I can take this much longer…

Posted 6/30/2011 at 3:52 PM by B2yan_C

people who assume things piss me off…. 😛 i love your drawings!!!

Posted 6/30/2011 at 4:28 PM by unfathomablelove

Protip: Carry a gun. Acquire using magnets. 

Posted 6/30/2011 at 4:24 PM by Ironstove

I do that all the time but not to strangers. It’s creepy to walk all up in someone’s business if you’re not with them.

Posted 6/30/2011 at 4:5 PM by grammarboy

Oh my god, seriously like… your posts make me so damned happy.  DOES THAT PISS YOU OFF????

And christ, I thought I was the only one who suffered PID! (Period induced diarrhea!) THAT KINDA PISSES ME OFF… but no, not to no return.  What really pisses me off apparently, are roomates to constantly eat my food, and take MY PRIZED FUCKING BIKE without permission.  That, and people who define the parameters of an artistic commissions AFTER I’ve finished drawing it… or who assume that logos/illustrations/graphics just fall out of my ass as easily as period diarrhea and ask me to “whip one up” for them for free, like i”m some sort of photocopier. 

ANyway, enough about me.  I loved this.  THE RAGE WAS PALPABLE!!!

Posted 6/30/2011 at 4:14 PM by nimbusthedragon

I thought it was when exes or gf’s of exes calls u!

Posted 6/30/2011 at 5:28 PM by cbr600

stupid people.

and tourists.
sometimes they’re the same.

Posted 6/30/2011 at 7:0 PM by whotakethmycoke

nice post sylvia, most common would be just the awful awful drivers the ones who are literally on your ass when driving in traffic and cut people off all to end up in a traffic light right beside me, the ones who drive half the speed limit, and the assholes who turn right without turn signals when there’s traffic behind them. Then there’s the jerks who throw you under the bus at work blaming their mistakes/missing their deadlines on you. k I’m good now lol. 

Posted 6/30/2011 at 7:45 PM by mistermino

@B2yan_C – *”always used to do so well”

Posted 6/30/2011 at 6:18 PM by B2yan_C

         That shit drives me mad too ! I’m like “you almost broke my f*cking flip flop !” and my heel ! errrr ! lol

Posted 6/30/2011 at 6:40 PM by O0PS_iTS_SURVAYS

@nimbusthedragon – Say, can you give me a logo sometime… like… tomorrow maybe? 😛

Posted 6/30/2011 at 6:26 PM by Axis_of_Doom

When I’m standing in a line of any kind and the person ahead takes even a half step forward the people behind me tend to bunch up in back of me, as if that extra 8 inches or so will somehow get them through the line faster. And I can smell them and feel their hot breath on the back of my neck, but if I step forward then I’ll just have to smell the person in front as well, because they’ll keep bunching up closer and closer as the line moves. Ah well. Much of what people do piques my ire, but it’s a long fuse to that big charge and with practice I’ve learned to reel out more slack before things get out of hand. Any shortcut to my inner backyard wrestler would be far too serious to mention here.

Posted 6/30/2011 at 5:57 PM by dirtbubble

Obvious injustice. Automatically pisses me off like no other person, place, circumstance, or thing can.

But I could see how having your personal space invaded would be a pisser. 😉

Posted 6/30/2011 at 4:39 PM by Prolixity_Split

Do a drop kick!

Posted 7/1/2011 at 1:20 AM by Roadlesstaken

. . .Cinna-happy to Crazybitch. . .

Posted 7/1/2011 at 11:47 AM by Ewithani

well, at least you got a nice cinnabon in return!

Posted 7/1/2011 at 12:49 AM by Scrooge0

One time this girl bumps into my while walking behind me with her big belly. And not the pregnant kind of big belly. She turned around and yelled at me. -____-. Like WTF are you doing WALKING SO CLOSELY BEHIND ME?! 

Posted 7/1/2011 at 12:41 AM by youngvan

A lot.  You reacted far better than I would have.  

Posted 6/30/2011 at 9:46 PM by npr32486

I’d give you a million e-props if I could do cuz you’re drawings are hilarious.
The part where the girl stepped on your slipper, I was imagining ‘HELL NO.. OH NO SHE DID-INT!

Little things pissed me off though.

Posted 7/1/2011 at 11:15 AM by MzKeekz

i get super annoyed at that too! and at the “PID” which sucks as it seems to always happen with exam season

Posted 7/1/2011 at 12:47 PM by suuperstar

Okay. I know you were seriously pissed the hell off (I would’ve been as well), but the damn cartoon made me giggle.LOL

Posted 7/1/2011 at 12:59 AM by Xbeautifully_broken_downX
How about I draw a cartoon of myself staring at your legs.
Posted 6/30/2011 at 9:10 PM by RulerofMasons

This happens all the time in Hong Kong! It drives me nuts. I always turn around and glare at the person who stepped on me.

Posted 7/1/2011 at 12:56 AM by miss_prettyinpink

There are soooo many things at home that drive me nuts.  I hate a dirty house.  I hate seeing things that I cleaned up just mintues ago, tossed back around.  I live with a toddler and a grown man and of the two, I’d say the toddler is a bit cleaner.  At least he helps clean up when asked.  I go nuts and start screaming and yelling and bitching and moaning on and on about how nobody else does anything.  I work two jobs, take care of the toddler, clean the house, and my day starts at 7:30 and ends at midnight and I never once truly get to sit down.  I eat quick meals standing up so I have maximum cleaning time.  So when I get home from work at 9:30PM and find my husband sitting on the couch with a mess all around him, I LOSE IT. 

Posted 7/1/2011 at 10:59 AM by bamsniko22407

YaY for cinnabons!

Posted 7/1/2011 at 5:11 AM by LoBornlytesThoughtPalace

People being mean to other people with NO justification is what does it for me.
Although I also hate when people assume that they have the right to touch me for any reason.



Posted 7/1/2011 at 1:31 AM by opticalnoise

I would piss you off to no end… Dx  I constantly flat tire people. But it’s usually not because I’m not watching where I’m going. I’ve got a monstrous stride, and most of my friends takes shorter strides, and it’s a constant doing of me telling them to walk faster.

As for me, I don’t really hate people until I get into my car. That’s when they piss me off. Otherwise, I’ve got a pretty long line of patience. Oh, except for those families that think that buying their children ten bags of candy at the checkout in the grocery store will make them best friends with their children (also to get them to behave/stop crying/stop annoying the hell out of everyone). And they wonder why their children look like mini sumo wrestlers. *facepalm*

Posted 7/1/2011 at 4:4 AM by pointe_x_x_shoes

I work in a local market’s deli in a small ass resort town before you hit Vail/ and Aspen CO (which home 2 main ski resorts), so in the winter we get tons of idots who are beyond rude, because they don’t understand why other people would be going at the same time that they decided to go. Plus in the summer, our town is big on river rafting in the spring because of the snow that melts further up in the moutians, nearly flooding us. Those idots are even more rude. So basicly, rude jerks who yell at me for things that aren’t my fault (trafic, the fact that they come 5 minutes before closing time and we don’t have any more supplies, that we aren’t better priced than WalMart), makes me mad to that point.

Now I want a Cinnabon 🙂

Posted 7/1/2011 at 2:4 PM by biggirlsdontcriyiyiyi

Oh, so you only show illustrate your FAVORITE annoyances, then? I like it.

Posted 6/30/2011 at 9:39 PM by InStealthMode

Okay, I actually really hate when someone steps on the back of my flip flops, but it’s worse when they don’t even acknowledge that they did it! 

Generally I end up apologizing for them in my best sarcastic voice, “Oh, yeah, sorry about putting my foot underneath yours – totally sorry. Really.” 

Posted 7/9/2011 at 10:57 AM by danlang

people’s who’s voice mailboxes are always full, like there’s no way to contact them. that’s super annoying.

yes the stepping on my flip flops thing, and people getting all up in my personal space is just ugh.

telemarketers who try to guilt trip you somehow. those charitable donation calls that accuse you of not wanting to help poor innocent children by not contributing a million dollars to their charity/cause (hello I’ve donated before but now I’m broke go away.) haha ok so there are lots of really annoying things. I will uh…stop there though.

Posted 7/18/2011 at 11:31 PM by joooolie

When people ask to return clearance items, and get mad when I won’t let them. It’s a common thing to not be able to return clearance items, people – seeing as how that’s what the word clearance means!!!

Posted 7/5/2011 at 1:53 PM by randaness

Incompetent people piss me off (=

Posted 7/1/2011 at 9:24 PM by babixling

When I get cut off at that one intersection by Shaw’s auaaaaauuuggggg. I try to block the merge lane with my civic but it fails and people swerve off the road to pass me anyway. NOTHING WORSE!

Posted 7/8/2011 at 6:18 PM by hollowhopes

Hahaha. Yeah. I find this very annoying. Love the drawings!

Posted 7/2/2011 at 11:41 AM by Rainboxx

people who don’t signal when driving.

people who don’t pay attention when talk/text.  (i just walk into them to make a point.)people who put their bags in an empty subway seat.  (i just plop my ass down their stuff.)

Posted 7/6/2011 at 1:59 PM by sneakychesire

Tuesday June 21, 2011

A real conversation I had while I was in Hawaii for my mother’s birthday. I had dropped by Costco to pick up some stuff:

06.20 (1)

06.20 (2)

06.20 (3)

06.20 (4)

06.20 (12)

06.20 (5)

06.20 (13)

06.20 (6)

06.20 (7)

06.20 (8)

06.20 (9)

06.20 (10)

06.20 (11)

Seriously, was that rude, or what?!

Posted 6/21/2011 at 4:26 PM


Yeah, just a tad rude I would say.  Mmm, I can go for a tub of guacamole now.  I love how you added an exclamation mark to it.

Posted 6/21/2011 at 4:30 PM by Roadlesstaken

That bitchass…

Posted 6/21/2011 at 4:33 PM by mfaithgd

Hey, even murderers and rapists deserve rights too!

Posted 6/21/2011 at 4:47 PM by Axis_of_Doom

OMG why didnt you snap at her! There are a wide range of different kinds of lawyers… I have 3. 1 for traffic court (I got out of having to pay for a speeding ticket and no points on my record), 1 for family law (wills and stuff), and 1 for immigration (I’m trying to establish dual citizenship)… see not all lawyers defend murderers and rapists. That woman was clearly rude and closed minded. 

Posted 6/21/2011 at 4:37 PM by Closure_Theory

Oh. My. GOD.

That’s freaking terrible!

Number one, she’s an idiot. Not only is every person is considered innocent until they are proven guilty, and therefore every person deserves access to legal representation should they be accused of a crime which they MAY NOT HAVE COMMITTED…but lawyers totally do things other than represent bad guys. Even trial lawyers, which are a teeny tiny subset of lawyers in general. Lawyers actually do more things that most people would consider boring than exciting things like lying for bad guys! BTW. Does she not have any idea what ethical standards are?? Probably not. Why would anyone who thinks that all lawyers lie to protect “killers and freaks” know that actually, most lawyers don’t lie. Although, you’d think even she would know that there has to a be a lawyer on the good guy’s side too, even if EVERY accused person was actually guilty of the crime for which they are standing trial.

Number two, EVEN IF SHE WAS RIGHT that’s terrible customer service! Comments like that at my work would get her fired. When you’re the one behind the counter, the person on the other side of the counter is GOD. Everything they do is perfect, fascinating, and acceptable. And we love lawyers, because they actually take the time to read the return policy!

/end rant.

Posted 6/21/2011 at 4:36 PM by opticalnoise

Wow…I don’t even know what to say about this. That is incredibly rude.

Posted 6/21/2011 at 4:42 PM by misajour

It takes a special kind of person to work there. 

Posted 6/21/2011 at 5:24 PM by spotlfe
U forgot the 10 lb bag o chips!
Posted 6/21/2011 at 5:35 PM by cbr600
Mmm guacamole maybe I’ll get chipotle (burrito bowl chips and guac) tonight 🙂 anyways yea the 3 big professions imo engineers lawyers and doctors have steadily lost the respect of the general public for a while now.
Posted 6/21/2011 at 5:43 PM by mistermino

Haha, wow, how blunt. I’m envying your guacamole tub. I’ve been wanting some since my dad mentioned guacamole yesterday.

Posted 6/21/2011 at 4:57 PM by grammarboy

Posted 6/21/2011 at 6:12 PM by brianchristopheryates
Do you really have long thin legs? I’m guessing you’re asian.
Posted 6/21/2011 at 5:40 PM by RulerofMasons

That was very rude, but you can’t take it personally. I’m pretty sure they only feel that way in Hawaii, though, and probably just in the Hawaiian Costco – I think lawyer-hate is specific to Costco in Hawaii, like an official policy or something. The rest of us love liars I mean lawyers and can’t do without them.

Posted 6/21/2011 at 4:51 PM by dirtbubble

WOW! Kinda made me giggle anyway.

Posted 6/21/2011 at 4:54 PM by they_call_me_steffyjean

You should have come up with something witty like… “Ah so thats why they call you guys tellers… You keep telling me all this crap that’s just nonsense…”

Posted 6/21/2011 at 8:43 PM by deux02

Hahaha, this one is very good!

Posted 6/22/2011 at 4:23 AM by zircle999

Wow. She’s a great conversationalist. /Sarcasm. 

As for you, congratulations.

Posted 6/21/2011 at 10:53 PM by Southeast_Beauty

Congratz and damn that girl was rude… She held your card for soooo long haha.

Posted 6/21/2011 at 6:47 PM by sonychak

liar liar pants on fire

Posted 6/22/2011 at 12:23 AM by LegendaryPanda84

you should’ve is that why costco clerk, sounds like big fat jerk? bazinga

Posted 6/21/2011 at 10:23 PM by chinkdub

Was she an old asian lady?

Posted 6/21/2011 at 11:39 PM by Scrooge0

Oh hey, congratulations!  Guess what though?  Who’s a lawyer and who’s standing behind a counter?

Posted 6/21/2011 at 6:29 PM by npr32486

Wow… seriously?  She kind of demonstrated just why we need lawyers, since stupid people like her would never be able to represent themselves in a court of law!

Posted 6/21/2011 at 8:25 PM by christao408

It’s alright. You’re the lawyer and she works the cash register at Costco. 

Posted 6/21/2011 at 6:19 PM by pandora__x2

Sigh…that’s just awful of her…

Posted 6/21/2011 at 7:21 PM by phosphor_stars

congratulations! and she was rude.

Posted 6/21/2011 at 7:25 PM by windblown85

That sucks. When people find out I’m a nurse, they have the decency to wonder if I’m gay within their inner monologue.

Posted 6/21/2011 at 8:33 PM by SAM_in_LA

hah. insensitive, but she’s honest. and there is some truth in that, isn’t there? =p

@SAM_in_LA – a happy nurse is a good nurse. 

Posted 6/22/2011 at 12:4 AM by LillimNo9

It’s a sad thing when people would rather have their rights to a trial abolished than have to deal with lawyers. I’m sorry you have to put up with that sort of nonsense.

Posted 6/21/2011 at 7:23 PM by entropistanon

That was very rude, people are way too outspoken these days, but I also found it very funny because of the comic drawings. Sometimes you just have to laugh at the stuff life throws your way and don’t let it get to your personally. Love your xanga, you have a new xanga friend!

Posted 6/21/2011 at 6:26 PM by SFBayAreaGirl

i’m surprised she said that. costco people are always nice to me.

hating blacks, not cool.

hating women, not cool.

but hating people who study hard and are a necessary part of our judicial system is acceptable. i blame it on ‘liar, liar’.

Posted 6/22/2011 at 5:14 AM by figachewy

Haha. There will always be bad lawyer jokes out there. I think it’s the few bad ones that give a bad name to the profession.

Posted 6/23/2011 at 8:17 PM by yakko1

I was distracted by the fact that you were buying  a giant tub(?) of guacamole in hawaii hehe

what kind of lawyer are you going to be? I think there’s always going to be pple who have some complaint about a certain job. I get the upturned snobbish nose in the air thing whenever I tell my colleagues what I’m specializing in. Who cares, as long as I’m happy they can take their judgmental views and shove it up their @.    🙂

Posted 6/26/2011 at 10:42 PM by joooolie

Wow!  So incredibly rude!  You should be very proud of your accomplishments, that woman was obviously an idiot.  You should’ve pointed out that lawyers also help victims of crime and those wrongly convicted but that maybe that isn’t as helpful as bagging people’s groceries for them.

Also, I wonder if she has considered the fact that doctors give medical care to murderers and “freaks” as well.  Ugh.. that type of “hang the witch!” mentality is so barbaric.  It’s depressing that people still feel that way.

Posted 6/24/2011 at 10:11 AM by a_place2freely_scream

WHAT!? It’s funny because often when you bring up lawyers people come after defense attorneys.  Very rarely do they think about the prosecuter that could have put away an innocent man or woman. It’s a good thing you’re a lawyer and she isn’t seeing as she lacks in cognitive skills…

Posted 6/22/2011 at 7:14 AM by AmeliaHart

love the giganto tub of guacamole. congrats on becoming a lawyer! wonder who that lady will turn to when he neighbour sues her for not returning that lawnmower. or something…. 

Posted 7/18/2011 at 6:15 AM by theloniusmarx

err….wtf!!!! yeah pretty rude.

Posted 6/22/2011 at 7:43 AM by under_the_carpet

Thursday June 9, 2011
I don’t remember when this happened, but I’m pretty sure it was back in college. I was having a conversation with a friend, during which she mentioned that she had to write something in her dream diary. This random announcement threw me off a bit: aren’t those diaries used by people who believe their dreams are cryptic messages from their souls? They think that by writing down all the little details of their dreams and then analyzing each one, they will be able to achieve a level of personal enlightenment that people can’t obtain when they’re awake.

Another thing dream interpretation can help you with: letting your friends know you engage in a form of douchery practiced by the douchiest of douche bags…that’s how I found out I was friends with someone who was actually a practitioner of the fart arts.

I’m sorry, but that’s what dream interpretation is: a fart art for douche bags. And if you need further proof, here’s an introductory paragraph I found on a “dream dictionary” website:

Acquiring the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerful tool. In analyzing your dreams, you can learn about your deep secrets and hidden feelings. Every detail, even the most minute element in your dream is important and must be considered when analyzing your dreams. Each symbol represents a feeling, a mood, a memory or something from your unconscious. Look closely at the characters, animals, objects, places, emotions, and even color and numbers that are depicted in your dreams. Even the most trivial symbol can be significant. This dictionary, along with your own personal experiences, memories and circumstances, will serve to guide you through a meaningful and personalized interpretation. With practice, you can gain an understanding of the cryptic messages your dreams are trying to tell you.

Okay, no, no, no, and eat a dick.

My problem with the whole dream analysis bit–and why I find it so douchie–is that I don’t really understand why dreams even need to be interpreted in the first place. First of all, I don’t think your dreams will tell you anything you didn’t already know about yourself. You had a dream about giving birth because your maternal instincts have been kicking in. You had a nightmare about being fired because you’ve been worrying about your job security.  You had a dream about peeing because you actually had to pee. Whatever message is being conveyed in your dream will be immediately apparent–no dream diary or dictionary required.

Douche bags will also get the message behind the dream, but they’ll think it’s thanks to their dream interpretation skills, and not because they’re pointing out the obvious:

06.08 (5)

06.08 (6)

06.08 (7)

06.08 (8)

Secondly, just because some of your dreams might reflect aspects of you or your life, that doesn’t mean all of your dreams will. Why can’t dreams just be dreams? Why must all of them be windows to our soul? I mean, I don’t think we’re so complex that we must dissect the hell out of the dreams we have in our sleep in order to figure out who we are when we’re awake–and that’s especially true for those dreams that make us go, “Uhh…why did I dream that?” Well, I’ll tell you why. I got this explanation from a reading comprehension essay I read while studying for the LSAT. For all I know, the article was written specifically for the exam and wasn’t based on any real science–but it made a lot of sense when I read it. The essay was about how having dreams was our brain’s way of getting rid of the unfinished thoughts that were needlessly taking up memory space. These unfinished thoughts are the brain’s version of interrupted sentences that you didn’t have the chance to complete because other thoughts kept cutting you off. The broken thoughts wind up being stored in our memories, leaving less room for the more important things we’d prefer to remember.

Anyway, this theory–which may not exist outside of the LSAT–hypothesizes that the stuff we see in our dreams are actually the remaining parts of the those unfinished thoughts. And once those thoughts are made whole, they are erased from our memory banks. For a possibly fake science article, I think it makes a valid point about why we have crazy dreams. And if such dreams are really based on unfinished thoughts, why would you waste time trying to interpret them?

Douche bags, however, seem to believe that because some dreams are indicative of certain aspects of our lives, that all of our dreams can do the same thing–you just need to search for it…much like how you’d search for a funny joke during a Dane Cook standup routine.

06.08 (1)

06.08 (2)

06.08 (3)

06.08 (4)

I.e., you’re looking for something that doesn’t exist.

So yeah, that’s why I think interpreting dreams to learn more about yourself is douchie. But to be completely fair: this fart art might really work, and the only reason why I don’t get it is because–I don’t know–maybe I’m too simple minded to have dreams that can be analyzed. Maybe I’m just so lazy that even getting to know myself better seems like a hassle. Maybe that paragraph from the dream dictionary site really isn’t as supremely douchie as I think it is.

…Yeah right. Those sentences spilled out of a bottle of “Summer’s Eve” and you all know it!

Posted 6/9/2011 at 2:38 PM


Gosh I love your posts, hahahahaha. 

Posted 6/9/2011 at 4:4 PM by nimbusthedragon

Dream diaries aren’t just for dream interpretation. Some people use their dreams as inspiration for their writing. Other people just think that their dreams are cool and want to remember them. But yeah, anyone who is looking for some kind of deep meaning in their dreams is going to be disappointed.

Posted 6/9/2011 at 4:17 PM by Crono09

I had a dream the other night where I had to pee really really bad. The whole friggin dream was annoying because I had to pee. Everywhere i went I was peeing and or looking for a place to pee.

I woke up and had to pee really really bad.

When I was younger I remember having this same dream and waking up wet.

Posted 6/9/2011 at 5:25 PM by tendollar4ways

You don’t learn any deep truths from your dreams. That’s what psychedellics are for!

PS – That last set of cartoons reminds me of something that has actually happened to me. Its uncanny.

Posted 6/9/2011 at 6:15 PM by SAM_in_LA

If I ever hear Dane Cook tell a funny joke I’ll pinch myself.

Posted 6/9/2011 at 6:0 PM by dirtbubble

I had a dream that I was a moose.

Probably because I was watching Rocky and Bullwinkle.

Or maybe because I’m afraid that this country will be turned into Sarah Palin’s Alaska…


No really, that article for the LSAT? Yeah, I’ve actually heard that theory from legit scientific sources before.

Posted 6/9/2011 at 6:8 PM by opticalnoise

I used to have that dream about my teeth falling out, except for me, they were tumbling around in my mouth like chiclets. it was so repetitive, I looked up the meaning online in a dream interp website.  i thought what it said was relevant to me – but the interpretation i read was totally different – not about vanity at all. i hesitate to repeat it now, but i resolved the stem issue the interpretation said i had and I no longer have that dream.

Posted 6/10/2011 at 10:0 AM by SarahakaHungry

lol i feel the same way about people & astrology

Posted 6/9/2011 at 9:29 PM by mistermino

lol douchiest of douchebags..

Posted 6/10/2011 at 2:9 AM by nooitzben

Yep.  I had a dream about a girl.  I’ve been thinking about girls.  Mere coincidence?!

Posted 6/10/2011 at 1:52 AM by npr32486

I have lots of dreams about my teeth falling out – I always assumed that whenever I was dreaming about that, it was because I was grinding my teeth in my sleep. Something I also do a lot of.

Also, one time I had a dream that I was George Clooney. Then I got hit by a bus and had to have knee surgery. What does that say about me? EH?! o_O

Posted 6/9/2011 at 9:58 PM by randaness

Actually, dreams do sometimes (notice SOMETIMES, not always) have psychological meaning behind them. Its never details, just the basic idea of the dream. Usually they represent something that is completely obvious though. When I was little, I often had nightmares about tornadoes. Well, I was actually scared of tornadoes in real life, and live in North Texas where tornadoes are a threat every spring. Dreams aren’t total nonsense, there is some basic meaning behind some dreams, usually recurring dreams. Random dreams that make no sense are usually just that though: random dreams that make no sense. *Note, this is based on a high school basic psychology class.

Posted 6/9/2011 at 10:23 PM by TheBlueNinjaTiger

“The fact that you had one near a supermarket means you feel abandoned near where food is usually purchased”

I legitimately laughed out loud on that one hah
I feel yeah this is kind of like astrology but I do think dream diaries/journals can be legit..I’m trying to get back into mine because it’s great for improving lucid dreaming 

Posted 6/10/2011 at 10:40 AM by remiblanc2011

this is fantastic, thank you

Posted 6/9/2011 at 8:31 PM by sinnerd1
the comic strips are hilarious haha.  i rarely have dreams, but when i do, i like writing them down for inspiration purposes. i certainly don’t analyze them though. 
Posted 6/10/2011 at 2:0 PM by piyo_2388

I must say that i have to agree…

Posted 6/16/2011 at 10:0 AM by Jst4e